
Strike a Yoga Pose: Compass

All you runners and bikers out there, I know you're always in need of a good hamstring stretch. Here's one that allows you to concentrate on one leg at a time, and will also open your hips and shoulders.

  • Sit at the top of your mat with your legs straight in front of you. Bend your right knee and hold onto it with your left hand. Press your knee back behind you as far as you can and place your right hand underneath your right leg, planting your palm firmly on the right corner of your mat.
  • From here, straighten your right leg as much as you can by taking your right arm overhead, and straighten that as well. Turn your head to the left and gaze toward the ceiling. Work on straightening your spine and leaning back slightly to increase the stretch in your right hamstring and left side of the body.
  • Hold for five breaths, then bend your right leg and arm and release your right leg back to the floor. Then repeat this pose with the left leg.
Whether you're new to yoga or have been practicing for a while, check out FitSugar's Yoga Stretch and Tell Group. It's a place where you can get info about the latest yoga clothes and gear, post questions, and share your yoga moments like being able to hold Crow pose for the first time!

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